I started this blog in 2009 as a way to chronicle my journey as a new teacher who had just applied to work in England. It's title, Read Teach Travel, is based on my greatest interests and passions, the topics about which I planned to post most often. Since then, the blog has morphed into whatever I needed it to be (and sometimes I didn't need it much at all). When I am teaching, particularly in a traditional classroom setting, it is a place to share the every day joys and frustrations of that. I didn't end up moving to England to teach in 2009, but I did start dating the man who is now my husband. In 2011, I decided to apply to graduate school and was once again drawn to the opportunity to move abroad and indulge my other love, travel. After deferring for a year in order to get married, my husband, Joe, and I made the leap across the pond to London in fall of 2013. This blog is where I share our adventures. It is called Read Teach Travel, but there are also life updates, and recipes, and notes about anything I may be thinking about at the time. I am a girl who always kept journals in order to figure out her thoughts through writing, and now I keep a blog instead.
What you'll find under the tabs:
- personal/pleasure reading
- texts that I read for teaching/work
- texts that I read for graduate school in London
- Teenagers Say the Darndest Things
- posts about teaching, the highs and lows, and classroom experiences
- Obviously, any trip or visit I take anywhere
- Local and international exploration
- Reviews and (hopefully) helpful tips for other travelers
- recipes I've made
- restaurant reviews will live under the Travel or London tabs, not here
Around London
- our experiences in our new city
- local exploration
- expat news, updates, and explanations of life in a different place