From Harry Potter: I will live/teach in a school that looks like a castle. My pupils will be mischievous in many ways, but generally respectful and eager to learn. If I have any disciplinary issues, I can summon Mr. Filch and he will send my students into the Forbidden Forest. The year will be exciting and eventful. I will eat all my meals with staff and students and will have no life outside of the social calendar of the school (this part is probably a little too close to the truth).

From The Holiday, Love Actually, Pride & Prejudice, Serendipity (there was a British character!), Notting Hill, P.S. I Love You, and Sliding Doors - When I arrive I will almost immediately be swept into a romance with an interesting, caring, and intelligent man (most likely English but according to the last two he could very well be Irish or Scottish). We will have our difficulties and probably split up for a bit because of certain obstacles (fame, misunderstandings, bad timing, career conflicts, distance). This will probably happen at about the time I go home for Christmas - perfect setting for me to be thinking about My Love and the mistakes we've made. Within a short period of time we will realize that we are wasting our lives by being apart. We will reunite in an elaborate and exciting stir of emotion, probably with a particularly sappy song playing in the background. We will live happily ever after, which, of course means he will move to the States.
From Possessions - same as above, but I will also get to solve a literary mystery. Exciting!
That is what I have so far. Things are definitely looking up for this trip. (Note: I am purposefully ignoring movies like Closer - in which all of the characters end up mashed up and hurt by the end - and any movie in which one of the protagonists dies. Call it artistic license.)
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