Sunday, April 26, 2009


So I'm in the grocery store today and I walk past a mom with three kids in her cart, all under age 6. The kids are trying to negotiate some kind of treat when they get home and the conversation goes something like this:

Mom: Well maybe if everyone is very good until we get home. Can you all be very good?
Kids: Yeeessss!
Mom: I don't know it sounds a little sketchy...
Oldest kid: I'm not sketchy!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wrists Update

First: A note to the lurkers out there - you have outed yourselves and I know you're there and comments are good and no, Facebook comments don't count.

Second: For those of you who have been asking about the condition of my wrists, here it is. I'm doing awesome! I was so utterly terrified when I found out that I was going to have to have surgery and the first few days, I'll admit it, were pretty sucky, but now I am so glad that that's the route I took! If I hadn't had surgery I would still be in a hard cast on my right wrist, unable to write, type, or do a million big and small things that are essential to daily life. My incision is turning into a nice scar and I'm down to bandaids as the only protection - no gauze, no ace bandage. My typing is back to normal speed. I can shower completely by myself including washing my own hair. (Yipee for independent showering!) I can drive! (You have no idea how humbling it is to wait for your mom to pick you up sitting outside a high school with your iPod and a book to read when you're the teacher...) I can wear rings. And put on my own makeup. And tie my own shoes. I can pour milk from a full gallon (if I use both hands). Oh! OH! And I got to go to the gym for the first time again yesterday, I'll admit it wasn't quite as fun since I can't do anything that requires me to lift any weight or put any pressure on my wrists at all, but still, a step in the right direction. So yay, I'm getting better.