Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wrists Update

First: A note to the lurkers out there - you have outed yourselves and I know you're there and comments are good and no, Facebook comments don't count.

Second: For those of you who have been asking about the condition of my wrists, here it is. I'm doing awesome! I was so utterly terrified when I found out that I was going to have to have surgery and the first few days, I'll admit it, were pretty sucky, but now I am so glad that that's the route I took! If I hadn't had surgery I would still be in a hard cast on my right wrist, unable to write, type, or do a million big and small things that are essential to daily life. My incision is turning into a nice scar and I'm down to bandaids as the only protection - no gauze, no ace bandage. My typing is back to normal speed. I can shower completely by myself including washing my own hair. (Yipee for independent showering!) I can drive! (You have no idea how humbling it is to wait for your mom to pick you up sitting outside a high school with your iPod and a book to read when you're the teacher...) I can wear rings. And put on my own makeup. And tie my own shoes. I can pour milk from a full gallon (if I use both hands). Oh! OH! And I got to go to the gym for the first time again yesterday, I'll admit it wasn't quite as fun since I can't do anything that requires me to lift any weight or put any pressure on my wrists at all, but still, a step in the right direction. So yay, I'm getting better.


  1. Yay!! Now when can you do the yoga again with me? I am so sad there without you.

  2. Thrilling read!
    ( I warned you. I am totally going to post comments that belong on the back of books.)

  3. Sissy - definitely a no go on the yoga. I'm going to try the Wednesday class, though and just modify the arm stuff.

    Ranana - I look forward to your stellar reviews.

  4. I'm so happy to hear you're doing well!

  5. I'm totally a lurker! Since it's been almost a month, I'm assuming that your wrists are way better now? Hooray!
