Thursday, August 12, 2010

Teenagers Say The Darndest Things

Time for my annual entry of all the random stuff my students say on a daily basis...

In order to avoid the temptation of the vending machine outside my classroom, I started bringing fruit to work as snacks. I pull out an orange...
Student: Wow. You have one of those every day, huh?
Me: Yeah.
Student: Geez! How many of those do you have?!?!
Me: .... They're not all from the same grocery trip...

In the middle of class one day...
Girl: Ms. Cocita, let's just talk.
Me: No.
Girl: What's your boyfriend's name?
Me: ... Why??
Girl: I just want to know.
Me: His name is Joe. Now do your work.
Girl: What's your boyfriend's last name?
Me: (exasperated) Why...???
Girl: I want to know how it sounds with Sarah.
Me: (Teenage girls! Ugh!)

BONUS Conversation with an older teacher who is a former elementary school principal:
Teacher: I've never had working conditions like these before. I don't know what they expect from us!
Me: What do you mean?
Teacher: 4 hour shifts with no bathroom breaks! I mean, really, when are we supposed to eat lunch or use the restroom?
Me: ... I just go during class.
Teacher: ::shock:: Really? How?
Me: ::confused:: I set the kids up with an activity and I go. It's down the hall. There's another teacher across from them. They can't go anywhere...
Teacher: But when do you eat?
Me: I eat during class.
Teacher: ::serious shock:: Eat during class? I've never DONE such a thing!

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