Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pink Ombre Bridal Shower

So, needless to say, I'm severely behind on blogging again. The last few months have been eventful to say the least and I need to make a concerted effort to catch up since Joe and I leave for Europe in just less than 4 weeks. (YIKES!)

First up is a fluffy, fun one. I knew from before we were officially engaged that I wanted a pink ombre bridal shower. I had originally wanted exclusively dark pink flowers throughout our wedding but with Joe that just didn't seem like it was going to work out, so my vision shifted a bit toward a girly girly covered-in-pink bridal shower.

As usual, the planning of this event carried my mom and I nearly over the edge. In fact, we got glittery pink ombre manicures (that were promptly removed) which we both described as seeing the cliff, running straight toward it and jumping off... and then realizing that we'd completely lost our minds. The results, however, were completely worth the temporary insanity of the weeks before. Do you agree?

Ombre Invitation by Modern Ink Studio on Etsy.
The entrance table. Complete with individually labeled stemless wine glasses.
Even the cake pops were ombre! (By Elaine's Cake Pops - a friend since elementary school)
Perfection. (Straws here.)

My mom and I - the party planners in our element - and the main sweets table.
Pink Treats - hand labeled. Happy Girls sign from Etsy. 
Pink chocolate popcorn by my new Mother in Law and Rice Krispies Treats with pink candy coating - make EVERYTHING pink!

Even the cake pops were ombre! (By Elaine's Cake Pops - a friend since elementary school)

Drink Station with Pink Ombre drinks - clear water, sparkling white wine,
rose sangria, pink lemonade, and "dark pink" wine.

A different view that catches the ombre heart paper chain we made as a background.

3 nights work and about 100 pieces of pink cardstock = pure pink awesomeness. 

Loving the details!

One very happy bride-to-be!
Happy girls are the prettiest. - Audrey Hepburn
Even the gifts were pink!
Cate making the most amazing rehearsal bouquet I've
ever seen almost entirely out of tissue paper.
I am so grateful for my mom, bridesmaids, MIL, aunts, and cousin, who all participated in some way (big or small) to make my vision a reality. The event was beautiful. Take a look at a bit of the prep work that went into it:

making paper chains

My Aunts Elaine and Mary, who spent 2 hours arranging flowers.
Covered in pink - just the way I wanted it!


  1. Hi- I absolutely love your wine glass label. How did you make those? Id like to recreate something like that for a bachelorette party/weekend that we're going to. :) Thanks so much!

    1. We ordered the labels on Etsy. They are chalk labels and there's a link embedded in the caption under the second photo from the top. Be sure to get straight glasses, though. Putting the labels on tapered glasses was a total pain and caused wrinkles in the label.

  2. EVERY DETAIL is PUUUUURFECT! Ah, Sarah, you are an Etsy-spiration!
